Know your name
Oil on Canvas, 78 x 78cm
The Gouldian finches were all gathered around the table, balancing on the magnolia tree branches. Crimson-Head pecked at the lemon wedge on the green tablecloth, peering up at the antique flower vase: on the porcelain there were painted two beautiful Lady Amberst pheasants.
“Oh I wish I could also have an important title like the Lady Amberst pheasants”, they quietly thought.
The milk jug was standing close enough to Crimson-Head to hear their musings.
“Dear Crimson-Head,” she softly whispered, “don’t you know the origin of your name? It is a true love story - of a man’s love for birds, a woman’s love for plates, and the love that bound them together to the end of their days.”
In remembrance of John and Elizabeth Gould