Doris and Whip Bird

Oil on Belgium Linen, 93 x 63cm

It was a marvellously mild autumn morning in March. Outside the window, the Pacific was a glittering lake of azure.

Doris and Whip bird were engaged in a lively discussion/rapture about beauty found in everyday objects around the home. Scatter cushions, rugs, a wicker chair, glass bowls, potted plants, the balustrade, parquet flooring, fresh fruit (lemons, in this case) and a single, elegant grevillea in a translucent blue vase - everything was weighed and observed. Even the glorious Margaret Preston print hanging on the left below Whip bird was scrutinised.   

“This world can never be saturated with beauty!” declared Whip bird. “Everything has the potential to serve as a source of inspiration: from the decorative shadows twirling across the polished floor boards to the delightful blue wrens flitting about in the lemon tree.”

“Quite right my dear Whip Bird,” Doris agreed with a side nod, “And the beauty we create in our homes, invariably brightens our everyday lives.”